



Activate abundance in all areas of your life






Activate Unlimited Abundance

Do YOU want to experience abundance in every area of your life?

The Activating Abundance book is a series of 52 secret codes that have the power to create massive shifts in 9 key areas of your life.

The book was the culmination of Regan and JuanPa’s combined experiences and journeys of self growth over the years. They knew they were being called to share the secrets of manifesting abundance to their followers, and this is how Activating Abundance was born.

Activating Abundance works in a truly unique way to bring about abundance in multiple areas of your life.

Order Today

Order the hardcover, full Colour, collector’s edition of Activating Abundance today so you can start activating the 52 Codes of Abundance in every area of your life!

” My phone rang with someone saying I’d just won $1000 cash!!!

True story! We watched the recording of the live training last night & I just ordered the book. I was looking at the coding, feeling in to the crazy abundance of true freedom, inspiration & deeeep love in my life and BOOM, my phone rang with someone saying I’d just won $1000 cash! Thank you!!!

Greer Ashley

inside the book

Opening the channels of abundance

The Activating Abundance book guides you through all the 52 secret codes which includes:

Visual Activators

Introducing each key and code will be a full page dedicated to a visual activator, which is new sacred geometry, specially designed to open up the optical nerve in your eyes. This is an important process, because the optical nerve is directly connected to the pineal gland, which is associated with your intuition and your general perception of well-being.


We refer to things that impede the process of activating the codes as limiters. Typically, these are various forms of self-doubt and internal toxicity that prevent us from achieving abundance. It’s important to remember that the limiters aren’t yours; they don’t belong to anyone. Rather, they have been imprinted upon humanity. The good news is, once you’re aware of them, you’re able to release them, allowing yourself to activate the codes at a deeper level.

Internal Activators

Good communication with others and ourselves is crucial to living in abundance. Internal activators are one or two simple sentences that are engineered to dig deeply into your subconscious, overcome any limiters, and assist in activating the codes. They cut directly into your unconscious mind and allow it to instantly align with the code you’re activating. This is an important piece of the puzzle, because if your internal reality isn’t aligned properly, it will block code activation.

We recommend writing down the internal activators for each code and leaving them on your desk, in your bag, or wherever you can easily refer to them. Speak one aloud or internally, and repeat it, until you start to feel truly connected with it.

Physical Activators

It’s equally important to visualize, internalize, and feel the codes. Physical activators are exercises such as movement or breathing that allow you to embody the codes. Without these, the codes won’t fully stabilize in your body and you won’t obtain optimal results.

All the physical activators tap into your internal energy to bring out the codes. They don’t take a lot of time to do, but you need to activate all of them to get the most out of your experience with the codes. You may repeat these exercises for as long as you want to get your desired result.

Rewire Processes

Meditations or exercises can be used to rewire anything in your conscious and unconscious mind that might be misaligned with the codes. You may also repeat these exercises for as long as you want to get your desired result.

Although optimal benefit will be gained by taking our online course or attending a live event to guide you through these rewires, we are including them in the book as well, so you can do them on your own.

Manifestation Accelerators

Manifestation accelerators are important because they enable you to speed up the results from activating the codes. After activating each code, you will perform a couple of simple activities each day to accelerate the physical manifestations.

While there are a few different types of manifestation accelerators, many of them are journaling exercises. Therefore, we recommend keeping a journal open as you read the book, and have it ready for when you come to a journaling exercise.


The Codes

Unlock Abundance In The 9 Key Areas of Your Life

The 52 codes, are represented by beautifully designed new sacred geometric patterns laid out in the book and also in a separate card deck. They work in conjunction with what Regan and JuanPa call ‘the limiters’ which basically help you unblock negative and limiting patterns of behaviour you aren’t consciously aware of.

By releasing these blocks and rewiring your thought patterns, you allow for abundance to flow into all areas of your life you choose.


Activating the remembrance of why you are here on the planet


Activating your ability to contribute through the nature of interconnectedness


Activating the god within you as you allow life to become a ceremony


Activating your natural state of optimum health


Activating you to separate from your emotional body and allowing you to tap into the energy in motion


Activating your ability to become aware of your conscious and unconscious mind constructs


Activating the deepest layers of passion in every area of your life


Activating all relationships of the highest vibration, starting with your relationship to self


Activating the abundance of wealth that is waiting to flow into your life

” What you have both created here is BEYOND next level!!!…

I am one if those people who has been doing what I felt was my purpose for a loooooong time (15yrs). I’ve invested thousands in mentoring, courses and nothing changed even when implementing.

Read more
Last year I gave up on me because my life was not sustainable and inspite of all the mindset work, manifesting, abundance work, journaling etc etc, nothing shifted for me and I have felt like something was disturbing the process.
However, could not understand why clients that I would have grounded healing session with were having tangible results incredibly quick.
This is THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I have heard it all and felt an abundance of resonance.
I felt my heart pulsating, my tears well up in gratitude and the fire return to my belly through all of that training.
What you have both created here is BEYOND next level!!!
Thank you for receiving this. Sharing this, being who you both are in the world and you courage to show up.
I love you both beyond words and am so excited to go deeper!

Kiarna Ella

Work with

The Book

the activating abundance journal

Record this life changing process in the handmade, leather Activating Abundance journal.

The activating abundance Visual Activator Cards

Activate the codes and accelerate abundance wherever you are.

The Activating Abundance Book

The Activating Abundance Book

The Book That Created a Ripple of Abundance Across the World

The Activating Abundance book is a series of 52 abundance codes that have the power to create massive shifts in 9 key areas of your life. These codes work in conjunction with what Regan and JuanPa call ‘the limiters’ which basically help you unblock negative and limiting patterns of behaviour you aren’t consciously aware of. By releasing these blocks and rewiring your thought patterns, you allow for abundance to flow into all areas of your life you choose.

The Activating Abundance book does not teach you anything that your soul does not already know. In fact, the book does not teach at all, it awakens! It helps you to reconnect with knowledge which is your birthright, which gives you the power to create a life that pulsates with abundance. It helps you to reconnect with the truth of who you are, why you are here, your purpose, your vision, your roots, and your reason for being.

The Activating Abundance Frequencies

The Activating Abundance Frequencies

Awaken What Has Been Dormant in You Through the Power of Vibration!

The Activating Abundance Frequencies have been expertly created by Sonic Alchemist and Composer Elijah Ray to give you the tool to awaken the 9 codes of abundance at a deeply subconscious level. Tuned to the ‘Cosmic Pitchfork’ of 432 Hz, the frequencies he created use sound as a vehicle to awaken the truth of who you are, root us to a profound connection with nature, and activate abundance DEEP in every cell of your being.

Using the frequencies will enter you into an entire world of possibilities that give you the power to consciously use sound as a tool to facilitate the creation of anything you desire. The frequency of 432 Hz is scientifically proven to resonate with the frequencies and vibrations of mother nature and so unifying the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness.

The Activating Abundance Visual Activator Cards

The Activating Abundance Visual Activator Cards

A 52 Card Visual Activator Deck That Helps You Access Abundance Throughout the Day Wherever You Are

Each key and code in the Activating Abundance book has its own dedicated visual activator, which is new sacred geometry that has been scientifically and specially designed to bio-hack your visual sensory system to allow abundance to flow into your life.

The cards work by opening up your optical nerve, directly connected to the pineal gland, which is associated with your intuition and your general perception of well-being. You can use these cards to guide you in activating abundance in whichever area of your life you need to focus on by pulling a card from the deck when you feel guided to do so. When using them alongside the book, you will be guided into a powerful meditation process where you will use the sacred geometry of the cards to enable you to visually activate each code.

The Activating Abundance Journal

The Activating Abundance Journal

Trust Us When We Tell You You’ll Want to Record This Journey

Regan & JuanPa commissioned this handcrafted, recycled, genuine leather journal to give people a special way of recording their Activating Abundance Journey. How do we recommend you use it?

Start off by taking a note of this date and time. From now on, when people ask you how your life changed so dramatically and quickly, you will look to your journal and tell them, “This date was the day my life changed forever”. This was the day I chose a DIFFERENT STORY. This was the day I chose to activate abundance and finally start embodying the life of my dreams.

Treasure this journal for life, and fill it with the realisations, achievements, wisdom and heart sharings of the journey that changed everything.

The Activating Abundance Elixirs

The Activating Abundance Elixirs

Harness the Majestic Elements of Nature to Awaken Abundance at a Multi-sensory, Cellular Level

These 9 flower elixirs work on a vibrational level in harmony with the cosmos to bring about abundance in any area of life you choose. Created by Shelley, a Master Herbalist, each flower in these Elixirs was handpicked by her and prepared in a sacred process which naturally activates the energy of abundance on a specific level to each code you choose.

The elixir drops are placed under the tongue to activate within seconds a divine energetic process which helps you to return to your center, eliminate distraction and anchor yourself in times of chaos so you can create the focus you need to activate abundance in the areas of life you feel called to. All of the elixirs are 100% vegan and organic.

USD$ 555 $388 (set of 9 Elixirs)

Activating Abundance Online Course

Activating Abundance Online Course

A 52-day Online Course to Help You Activate Abundance in All Areas of Your Life

The 52-day Activating Abundance Online course is a very special opportunity to be guided through the Activating Abundance book by the authors themselves Regan and JuanPa.

Be held by Regan and JuanPa and the community as you integrate every single code into your being, and start to invite unlimited abundance to flow into every area of your life.

The course is delivered in a series of 52 videos recorded by Regan & JuanPa, and supplemented by an incredibly supportive Facebook Community with the opportunity to interact directly with the authors, PLUS two laser coaching sessions with a SoulBeats certified coach.

Register your interest here, and you will be sent an email with details on how to apply for the course after checkout.